This course is student centric and is designed to be completed fully online..
Please review this document in order to maximize your performance in this class.
Course Overview and Introduction
- D2L-This course makes use of D2L for announcements, grading, and class discussions.
- Azure-There is also a website on which you will find a layout of the course material, an overview of the assignments, information on policy and course technology.
This web site is at:
- This is an online class- you can take the class wholly online. You are encouraged to participate by using D2L and by using the class recordings.
- Professional communication is expected of all participants-whether spoken, via email or in online discussions. Please make sure to clearly specify the particulars of your inquiry or comment. A good guide is to compare this class as your work environment, the professor is your boss and the students are your co-workers, and act accordingly. As an example, how do you think your boss would react if you sent them an email that did not contain a subject line?
- This is a laptop required course. If you have your own laptop, please contact the Information Technology Services Department (Somsen 207) to find the latest hardware and software requirements for personally owned laptops.
- The Business Administration Department recommends that students use the PC lease laptop for all course work. If you chose to lease the MacBook then you may obtain VMware Fusion (not needed for this course). Please contact the Information Technology Services Department (Somsen 207) to arrange for this.
- BUSA291-Legal Environment is the prerequisite for this course. Past experience indicates that students in this course are at different levels of computer proficiency. As a result, some students will spend a lot of time learning concepts that others have learned previously. Do not despair, it is better to learn how to use your computer, networks and the Internet while you are in college, than once you start to work. Time spent now learning these skills will pay off in the future. Students are expected to know how to use a laptop-how to turn it on, how to use email, web browser and file handling applications.
Learning Objectives
- The primary course objective is for each student to develop an appreciation of the legal issues that arise because of the Internet and developing computer technologies. As such this course focuses on hands on assignments.
Assessment and Measurement
- Course assessment is measured by performance on the assignments, projects, midterm and final exams.
Instructional Materials
- This course makes use of a printed book available through the WSU bookstore or online.
Learner Interaction and Engagement
- This class is hands-on. Students must read the book and suggested
materials, and view the class recordings, then complete the assignments.
- This class covers a lot of legal issues, you should read the material with an eye towards “how could a business or organization benefit from the application of this knowledge”?
- Assignments are due by as noted in the course syllabus in order to provide prompt feedback.
- Late assignments are not accepted.
Course Technology
Learner Support
- If you need assistance with this course you are encouraged to first review the materials in question, then to use the D2L discussion groups, then to investigate outside resources.
- If you have problems accessing any course materials please bring this to the attention of the professor immediately. An attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.
Ref: Quality Matters Rubric Standards 2011-2013