Note-your WSU network username is NOT necessarily the same as your WSU email address
Log into D2L, go to your course
In the D2L 'Course Info' widget click the 'My Website' link
If this is the first time you have accessed this link, you will be asked to authenticate-use your StarID and network password
You will see three folders-
in the Shared folder anyone in class to upload, download, delete or modify contents
in the ReadOnly folder anyone in class can only download contents
only you and the professor can see your network username folder, which you can upload, download, delete or modify contents Note that your network username is unique to you, and may not have the same format as the examples shown above and below
Click on your network username, you are taken to the root folder of your website.
As the course progresses, additional files and folders will appear in your website root folder
Start of semester files:
End of semester files:
You may want to bookmark this web page as you will be visiting it often during the semester