Project 2-Sensors and Actuators using Python, Raspberry Pi and GrovePi 23 students form groups of 4, choose project: Group- (updated 3/22/2022) 1. Light Sensor/LCD RGB Actuator-display light sensor level value on LCD, display relative level on LED bars 5. Potentiometer Sensor/LCD RGB Actuator-display potentiometer level on LCD, display relative level on LED bars 4. Microphone Sensor/LCD RGB Actuator/LED Bar actuator-display sound level value on LCD, display relative level on LED 2. Ultrasonic Sensor/LCD RGB Actuator/Buzzer Actuator-display distance on LCD, sound buzzer, increase pitch as distance decreases 3. Button/DHT Sensor/LCD RGB Actuator- press button to take DHT reading,display T (degrees Fahrenheit), H on LCD 6. Button/DHT Sensor/LED Bar Actuator-press button to take DHT reading, display relative reading on LED bar-based on 'comfort' Assemble required Libraries (see MIS312_ReadOnly/Project02 folder) create functions create main function that contains while loop, and offers menu (1 for read sensor, Enter to quit....) use try/except blocks for error handling write out sensor readings to command line, LCD RGB, text file, Adafruit cloud, TTS after unit 8 create GUI for your program work with other groups to combine functionality review sample code provided by Seeed/Dexter push code to GitHub repo