MIS 342 Final Exam
Covers all material discussed in class
Open book, open notes, open class recordings
Must use Access for Hands-On problems
Need to be able to access \\store\classes\20201000007 for exam.
sure to verify this before the exam. See tech support
if you have problems. I
do not control access to this folder!
Hands on problems using Access.
Problems similar to those on Midterms 1 and 2
There will be the following types of problems on the final exam.
- Outer Join queries
- Calculated fields in queries, forms, reports
- Domain aggregate functions
- XML data exports
- Form controls
- Evaluating Expressions in the Immediate Window
- Preserving/archiving data
- Indexing considerations
- Application performance issues
- Application licenses, cost issues
- Access vs Crystal Reports
- Action queries
- Unmatched queries
- Database design issues and considerations-indexes, data preservation
- Relational database, calculating data from tables
- Evaluating expressions using the Immediate Window
- Access vs MySQL vs SQL Server
- Understanding importance of data to an organization