Welcome to MIS362, Management Information Systems.< /br>
This course meets face-to-face in Somsen 301. You log into the Zoom web conference using your browser during class. The
recordings are for reviewing material after class. < /br>
Please review this document to maximize your performance. < /br>
Course Overview and Introduction
- D2L-This course makes use of D2L for announcements, grading, quizzes, exams, and class discussions.
- eProfessor-This website is where you will find the course
material, assignments, information on policies and course
technology. < /br>
This website is at:
https://eprofessor.azurewebsites.net/MIS362x < /br>
There are important links at the top of the page, among these are:< /br>
Course Policy< /br>
Course Technology< /br>
Course Standards (this page)
- Students are encouraged to use Adobe Connect to participate in class and learn to
become proficient with web-based video conferencing.
- Students are also encouraged to make use of the classroom
recordings which will be available after class is over by viewing
the far right columns of the eProfessor homepage.
- Professional communication is expected of all
participants-whether spoken, via email or in online discussions.
Please make sure to clearly specify the particulars of your inquiry
or comment. Think of this class as your 'work'
environment, the professor is your boss and the students are your
co-workers, and act accordingly. How do you think your boss would
react if you sent them an email that did not contain a subject
- This is a WSU PC lease laptop required course. If you have
your own laptop, please contact the Information Technology Services
Department (Somsen 207) to find the latest hardware and software
requirements for personally owned laptops.
- The Business Administration Department requires, as of Fall 2016, that students use a PC lease laptop for all course
You may not use a MacBook in this course unless you have special cirumstances, such as a dual major, or non-COB major. Please contact
the Information Technology Services Department (Somsen 207) if you have
questions on how to use your computer.
- The course prerequisite is admission to the College of
Business. Past experience indicates that students in this course
are at different levels of computer proficiency. As a result,
some students will spend a lot of time learning concepts that
others have learned previously. Do not despair, it is better
to learn how to use your computer, networks and the Internet
while you are in college, than after you start your career.
Time spent now learning these skills will pay off in the
future. Students enrolling in this class are expected to
know how to use a laptop-how to turn it on, how to use email, web
browser and file handling applications.
- You will be introduced to the basic course technology used
in this class in Assignment Formative00, which includes how to hookup an
external monitor, how to use Adobe Connect web conferencing, how to use
class recordings, and how to create Adobe PDF files.
Learning Objectives
- The primary course objective is to learn how organizations
can use computerized management information systems to improve
organization efficiency and effectiveness.
Assessment and Measurement
- Course assessment is measured by performance on the
assignments, exercises, projects, midterm and final exams. A small
portion of your grade is based on meaningful participation (which
is more than class attendance.
- There are three class projects, detailed in the syllabus.
- The course grading policy is available here:
- All course grades are posted in the D2L Gradebook
Instructional Materials
- Detailed assignments are designed to provide hands-on learning.
- The eBooks contains topical materials which will be reviewed and discussed.
- References to Internet content such as Wikipedia provide current perspective on the technologies used in this course.
- Lynda.com instructional materials, which focus on just in time learning are available at no charge. Required.
- The Phoenix Project is used to put the course material into a more accessible format, depictinging actual business situations.
Learner Interaction and Engagement
- This class is hands-on. Students must be prepared to use their laptop, Cisco VPN and the school network.
- Class time is spent working through problems with an eye
towards “how can an organization benefit from applying management
information system concepts”? Students are encouraged to work together
to learn, using D2L Discussion Boards and Adobe Connect Meeting
- Students are encouraged to apply the knowledge regarding
collaboration techniques learned during this class to every other
class they take.
- Assignments are due by 8am Saturday of the week assigned in order to provide prompt feedback.
- Late assignments are not accepted.
Course Technology < /br>
Learner Support
- If you need assistance with this course you are encouraged to follow these steps
- Carefully review the materials in question
- Google the problem or issue
- Use the D2L discussion groups
- Investigate outside resources such as the TLT Stars in Somsen 207.
- Contact the teaching assistants
- Attend Friday Supplemental Learning in Somsen 301.
- If you have problems accessing any course materials please
bring this to the attention of the professor immediately. An
attempt will be made to make reasonable accommodations.
Ref: Quality Matters Rubric Standards 2011-2013