Fall2024 MIS452 Management of Telecommunication Systems


  Professor Paulson's Home Page

This is a WSU PC lease laptop required course!

Course ID
Class Times
T Th 9:30 to 10:50am
Somsen 301

Office Hours
Pat Paulson
Somsen  303

Book example files are at \\store\classes\20253000030\ReadOnly
Software Info: Azure DevTools


Other Resources:
LinkedIn Learning


This course is designed to make the students knowledgeable about the fundamentals of business telecommunication and data networks.
The focus is on network issues important to businesses.
There will be hands-on use of software, both applications and operating systems, to familiarize students with the latest tools available to manage, investigate and design networks.
There will be a project that demonstrates the importance of networking to businesses.


Class Meetings: You are expected to attend all class meetings. If you miss a meeting, it is your responsibility to obtain notes from a fellow student. Office hours are not meant for individual lectures.

Class Participation Class participation is useful to the student as a means of acquiring knowledge and subject matter clarification.
Class participation is the active engagement in problem solving, questions and answers, taking part in analyses of business situations, and contribution of comments in class sessions.
Watching a minimum of four (4) hours of LinkedIn Learning materials on topics related to this class will be a factor in your Participation grade.
Meaningful class participation, or lack thereof, affects your grade.


Refer to the class syllabus. Students are expected to read the chapter material before class. Classwork will consist of discussing the material in the current chapter, working through examples and exercises. Time will also be devoted in class to working through problems and assignment solutions, discussing how to use the appropriate software programs to solve assignment problems and working on the projects.


Refer to the class syllabus. Students are expected to complete and hand in by the due date any assignments in the "Assignments Due" column. Assignments must be retrieved from the GitHub repo, completed using an HTML editor (Visual Studio 2019), and posted to the student's website on the classes.winona.edu server. More information is available in Project01. Students are responsible for posting their assignment on time, and to make sure their hyperlinks are properly enabled.

Hand written, paper or emailed assignments do not look professional and are not acceptable. You will receive none of the possible points for these types of assignment submissions..

If you are having trouble with grammar, spelling or written communications, please seek assistance from the Writing Center.


Project 1: Each student will create a website to publish their assignments.

Project 2: Students will use a virtual network to gain experience in how networks function.

Project 3: Students will design and mockup a SOHO network.

Project 4: Internet of Things exercises

Late projects will lose points.


Students are encouraged to work on assignments in informal groups, or in the groups that will be created for the software application project.


The mid-term and final consist of short answer and possibly essay questions.
There will also be 'hands-on' problems requiring the use of various software applications to address network problems.
These exams will be open-book, open notes.
No method of human interaction is permissible.
Students can not share a book during an exam.

If you are having troubles with the class, do not hesitate to email or stop by to see the instructor before class.

More information about the exams will be made available closer to examination time.

Additional exam time will not be given!

Exams can not be made up.

Please check the syllabus now and make sure that you are available on the exam date.

If you cannot make an exam you may want to consider dropping the class.


5% Attendance and meaningful participation-page submission, web conference login

30%  Assignments-Summative (based on all points)

5% Project 1

10% Project 2

10% Project 3

10% Project 4

5%  MidTerms  (based on all points)

5% LinkedIn Learning

10% MindTap

10%  Final


Grading is done right after it is due (usually Mondays at 7am) to provide prompt feedback. Anything submitted after the due date will receive minimal, if any credit, at the professor's discretion. If you have a situation preventing you from completing course work, you must contact the professor as soon as possible so that a prompt decision can be made.

No extra credit assignments or make-up exams! This is done to be fair to those students who keep up with the material.

You can lose up to 10% of the points on any assignment, exam or project due to poor spelling and or grammar. Make use of the Writing Center.

You may receive an email with feedback for an assignment, or comments in the D2L gradebook.
If the email begins with a smiley emoticon    :-)    you received full credit for that assignment.
The email may contain an outline of the grading rubric.
The comment "NO SUBMISSION TO WEB DATABASE" means that you did not press the 'SUBMIT' button on your assignment page from while viewing it in a browser.
You are responsible for making sure the links to each assignment are correct, and that any screen shots and required materials are correctly completed.

I reserve the right to correct any grading errors.

Keep any graded work until the end of the course; recording errors may occur.


A -  90% or greater

B -  80 to 89.9%

C - 70 to 79.9%

D - 60 to 69.9%

F -  less than 59.9%

 A borderline grade is defined as 89.9 to 89.99; 79.9 to 79.99; 69.9 to 69.99 or 59.9 to 59.99


  Professor Paulson's Home Page