Week Date Work Recordings
1.1 Tue, 1/14/25 Attendance
Class Introduction
Book and MindTap
Project01-check website
Project02-Python and IoT
Core Website Files-see D2L

Start Formative00-course tech, available at:
class01- intro, F00 Pt1
* Class introduction

Core Website Files

* Formative00-Part1
1.2 Th, 1/16/25 Attendance
Website URL Submission
Finish Formative00-course tech
Chapter01- Introduction

Assignment List

class02- Formative00 Part 2,3

*  Formative00-Part2

Website URL Submission -
2.1 Tue, 1/21/25 Attendance
Install Thonny on laptop
Install Python on laptop  Python 3.11 Tutorial
Begin Project01-website
class03 - P1 website

2.2 Th, 1/23/25 Attendance
Summative01-CS Principles: Programming
Finish Project01-website
class04- P1 website, Unit 1 code
3.1 Tue, 1/28/25 Chapter01- Introduction
class05- Cengage

Project01 Part2
3.2 Th, 1/30/25 Formative01-IDE
Project04-IOT00-Operating RPi
class06- IOT00, Python IDEs
4.1 Tue, 2/4/25 Chapter02- Datatypes and Expressions
Project02-Discuss Idea
class07-troubleshooting, chapter02
4.2 Th, 2/625 Summative02-Learning Python
Project04-IOT01-RPi intro
class08- Project02, IOT01
no spring 24 recording
5.1 Tue, 2/11/25 ASSESSMENT       DAY 
5.2 Th, 2/13/25 Chapter03-Loops and Selection
class09- spring 23-Unit 3-Loops and Selection
6.1 Tue, 2/18/25 Project04-IOT02-VNC
Midterm 1 Available
  class10- Project02-IoT, Unit 3
6.2 Th, 2/20/25 Chapter04-Strings and Text
Summative03-Python Essential Training 
class11-  no sp24 recording
7.1 Tue, 2/25/25 Formative02-Python Libraries
class12- Unit-strings
7.2 Th, 2/27/25 Project04-IOT03-SSH
class13- chapter 5-lists
Week Date Work Recordings
8.1 Tue, 3/4/25 Chapter05-Lists and Dictionaries class14- IOT03,
8.2 Th, 3/6/25 Project04-IOT05-Apache web server
Midterm 2 Available
class15- IOT05, P2 groups
9.1 Tue, 3/11/25 SPRING       BREAK        
9.2 Th, 3/13/25 SPRING       BREAK        
10.1 Tue, 3/18/25 Chapter06-Design with Functions
class16- no spring 24 recording- Unit6 - Functions
10.2 Th, 3/20/25 Summative04-Python Object-Oriented Programming
Project04-IOT06-Apache website
class17 -Project02, IOT06
11.1 Tue, 3/25/25 Chapter08-Simple Graphics, Image Processing class18- Unit 8-graphics intro
11.2 Th, 3/27/25 Formative03-Desktop Shortcuts on RPi
class19- Unit 8, IOT12-Node-RED
12.1 Tue, 4/1/25 Chapter09-Graphical User Interfaces
class20-  Unit 9  -GUI
12.2 Th, 4/3/25 Summative05-Python-Real-World Examples  
Project04-IOT13-GrovePi+ Sensors
class21- IOT13-GrovePi, Project02
13.1 Tue, 4/8/25 Chapter10-Design With Classes
Project02- create project pseudo-code, discuss approaches
Midterm 3 available
class22- Unit-10 classes
13.2 Th, 4/10/25 Formative04-Pi GUI
Project04-IOT16-Node-RED relay
class23- IOT16, Formative04
14.1 Tue, 4/15/25 Chapter12-Multithreading, Networks and Client/Server
Running Threaded Programs!
Section 12.2 Threads-book code is problematic 12/31/2021
Summative06-CS Principles: The Internet
class24- Unit12, Threads
14.2 Th, 4/17/25 Discuss final report for Project 2
Project04-IOT22-Network Scanning
class25- Formative04, IOT22-scan
15.1 Tue, 4/22/25 Chapter 13-Searching, Sorting, Complexity Analysis
Summative07-CS Principles:JavaScript
Finish up LinkedIn Learning
class26- Unit13 complexity, IOT11 MM
15.2 Th, 4/24/25 RESEARCH   NO   CLASS
16.1 Tue, 4/26/25 Summative08-Python vs. JavaScript
Project02- students demonstrate IoT App (beyond P4-IOT13)
16.2 Th, 5/1/25 Project02- students demonstrate IoT App
Discuss Final Exam
Course Feedback
Grading Issues
class28- IOT11
    Final Exam  
Week Date Work Recordings