Week Date Work Recordings
1.1 Tue, 8/27/24 Attendance
Class Introduction
Books and chatbot
Project02-Database Connections
Project03-Business Database
Project04-IoT Databases

Core Website Files
Formative00_Part1-course tech
* Course Introduction

* Core Website Files

* Formative00-Part1

1.2 Th, 8/29/24 Attendance
Formative00_Part2-course tech
Formative00_Part3-course tech
Website URL Submission

URL Check- Review URL submission(s)
* Formative00-Part2

* Formative00-Part3

* Website URL Submission

2.1 Tue, 9/3/24 Attendance
Start Project01 Part 1-website
* Project01-website
2.2 Th, 9/524 Finish Project01 Part 1-website
Formative01-Flat File problems
class04 -
3.1 Tue, 9/10/24 Project 1 Part 2-Retrieving Assignments
A&P-suggested-LinkedIn Learning-Access 2019 Essential Training
Presentation01-Access Database Introduction
Summative01-Database Objects-pull from GitHub repo
class05- no recording
* Project01-Part 2
3.2 Th, 9/12/24 finish Summative01, start Summative02
Project04-IOT00-Raspberry Pi overview
LinkedIn Learning01-Access Essential Training
class06- website problems

4.1 Tue, 9/17/24 Presentation02-Building a Database
Summative02-Creating Tables and Relationships
class07- Summative02

4.2 Th, 9/19/24 Presentation03-Query Basics
Query Tips
Query Exercises
Project04-IOT01-Raspberry Pi setup
Summative02, IOT01

5.1 Tue, 9/24/24 Formative03-Query Basics
5.2 Th, 9/26/24 Project04-IOT02-VNC
LinkedIn Learning02-Queries
Raspberry Pi and WiFi
Summative03, Formative03-
6.1 Tue, 10/1/24 Presentation04-Form and Report Basics
Form and report tips
Formative04-form and reports
Summative04-Forms and Reports
class11 -
6.2 Th, 10/3/24 Review for Midterm
Midterm01 available in D2L
Project04-IOT03-ssh remote connections
class12- Sum04

Summative04-Exercises 5,6
7.1 Tue, 10/8/24 University Improvement Day-No Class
7.2 Th, 10/10/24 Presentation05-Advanced Queries and Tables
Formative05-Advanced Queries
Summative05-Queries, Enhanced Tables
Queries and tables
Lookup Exercise
Project02-preparation-Install Hyper-V  Review LinkedIn Learning videos
class13 - Summ05-Adv queries
Week Date Work Recordings
8.1 Tue, 10/15/24 Project02-Database Connections
Project02-Part 1-Access and MySQL
class14- Project02 Part 1
8.2 Th, 10/17/24 Project02-Part 2-Access and SQL Server
Project04-IOT10-MySQL on RPi
class15- Proj 2 P2, IOT1,2,3,10
9.1 Tue, 10/22/24 Presentation06-Advanced Forms
Formative06-Advanced Forms
For fun, try to solve Formative06 using Excel Pivot Table

class16  -Formative06
9.2 Th, 10/24/24 Summative06-Custom Forms
Form tips
class17- Formative06
10.1 Tue, 10/29/24 Presentation07-Advanced Reports
Advanced Report Tips
Formative07-Advanced Reports
class18 - Sum05, Sum06
10.2 Th, 10/31/24 Summative07-Custom Reports
LinkedIn Learning03-Forms and Reports
Project04-IOT19-sensor data to cloud
class19- Sum06-forms
11.1 Tue, 11/5/24 Presentation08-Sharing Data
Data Integration Tips
Formative08-Linked Tables
Linked Table Madness!
class20- IOT19, Form07
11.2 Th, 11/7/24 Summative08-Sharing Data
Pivot Table Example
Midterm02 available in D2L
class21-  Sum07
12.1 Tue, 11/12/24 discuss and work on Project 2
Presentation09-Action Queries
Action Query Tips
Formative09-Specialty Queries
class22 -Form8, Sum8

classxx -Sum09q3+
12.2 Th, 11/14/24 Summative09-Action Queries and Advanced Table Relationships
Project04-IOT20 -MySQL and ODBC
class23-IOT20, Sum09
13.1 Tue, 11/19/24 Presentation10-Macros
Presentation11-Visual Basic for Applications-coding
Presentation12-Database Management
class24  -Sum09, start s10
Summative10 -VBA, forms
13.2 Th, 11/21/24 Summative10-Managing Databases
Project04-IOT21- sensor data to MySQL
class25 - IOT20,21 Summative10
14.1 Tue, 11/26/24 Access Macros and VBA for Project03
Project04-IOT21-sensor data to MySQL
LinkedIn Learning04-Database Foundations
class26- IOT25, Form10, P3-start
14.2 Th, 11/28/24 Thanksgiving-No Class  
15.1 Tue, 12/3/24 work on Project03
Grading Issues
LinkedIn Learning05-IoT Fundamentals
class27-fall 24-Project3, Form10
class27-fall 22-S10, start Project3
15.2 Th, 12/5/24 finish Project03
Course Review and Feedback
Grading Issues Addressed in class
class28 -Project03
    Final Exam  
Week Date Work Recordings